Navigating the DICOM to NIfTI Conversion Landscape: Methods, Libraries, and Tools

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In the world of medical imaging, converting DICOM (Digital Imaging and Communications in Medicine) files to NIfTI (Neuroimaging Informatics Technology Initiative) format is a crucial step for many researchers and clinicians. This conversion process allows for easier analysis and visualization of medical imaging data across various platforms and software tools. In this article, we'll explore the different methods and libraries available for DICOM to NIfTI conversion, highlighting their strengths and key features.

Why Convert DICOM to NIfTI?

Before diving into the conversion methods, it's important to understand why this conversion is necessary. DICOM is the standard format used by medical imaging devices, containing both image data and patient metadata. However, many popular tools used for scientific image processing, analysis, and visualization require images to be stored in the NIfTI file format. NIfTI provides a simpler, more standardized structure that's particularly well-suited for neuroimaging applications.

Popular Methods and Libraries for DICOM to NIfTI Conversion

1. dcm2niix

dcm2niix is one of the most widely used and robust tools for DICOM to NIfTI conversion.

Key Features:

  • Open-source and actively maintained
  • Supports various DICOM transfer syntaxes
  • Generates BIDS JSON format sidecar with metadata
  • Cross-platform compatibility (macOS, Linux, Windows)
  • Integrated into popular neuroimaging tools like MRIcroGL and FreeSurfer


  • Fast and efficient conversion
  • Handles complex DICOM images well
  • Command-line interface for easy integration into workflows
  • Extensive community support and regular updates

2. dicom2nifti (Python Library)

dicom2nifti is a Python library that provides a straightforward way to convert DICOM files to NIfTI format.

Key Features:

  • Easy to integrate into Python workflows
  • Supports directory-level conversion
  • Options for compression and reorientation


  • Simple API for Python developers
  • Good for batch processing
  • Integrates well with other Python-based neuroimaging tools

3. NiBabel

NiBabel is a Python library for reading and writing neuroimaging data formats, including both DICOM and NIfTI.

Key Features:

  • Comprehensive support for various neuroimaging formats
  • Provides tools for both reading and writing files
  • Integrates well with scientific Python ecosystem (NumPy, SciPy)


  • Flexibility in handling different file formats
  • Powerful for custom conversion workflows
  • Excellent documentation and community support

4. SPM (Statistical Parametric Mapping)

SPM is a software package designed for the analysis of brain imaging data sequences, which includes DICOM to NIfTI conversion capabilities.

Key Features:

  • Part of a comprehensive neuroimaging analysis suite
  • MATLAB-based, with a graphical user interface
  • Handles various imaging modalities (fMRI, PET, SPECT, EEG, MEG)


  • Integrated conversion within a full analysis pipeline
  • Well-established in the neuroimaging community
  • Robust handling of metadata

5. MRIConvert

MRIConvert is a standalone application for converting DICOM files to NIfTI and other formats.

Key Features:

  • User-friendly graphical interface
  • Supports multiple output formats
  • Available for Windows and macOS


  • Easy to use for non-programmers
  • Batch processing capabilities
  • Handles various vendor-specific DICOM formats

6. dcmrtstruct2nii

dcmrtstruct2nii  is a very recently updated library including handling voids in DICOM RT-Struct objects as these are poorly supported elsewhere.

Key Features:

  • Naïve Rasterization: Converts RT-Struct to masks in NIfTI format.
  • Slice-by-Slice Processing: No interpolation between slices.
  • Input Requirements: DICOM and RT-Struct files must be unzipped in a directory.


  • Handles voids in the RT-Structs using the CLOSED_PLANARXOR method recently added to the DICOM standard.

Choosing the Right Tool

The choice of conversion tool depends on several factors:

  1. Programming Experience: For those comfortable with Python, libraries like dicom2nifti or NiBabel might be preferable. For command-line users, dcm2niix is an excellent choice.

  2. Integration Needs: Consider how the conversion tool fits into your existing workflow. SPM might be ideal for MATLAB users, while dcm2niix integrates well with various neuroimaging pipelines.

  3. Specific Requirements: Some tools handle certain DICOM variations better than others. If you're dealing with complex or non-standard DICOM files, dcm2niix is often the most robust option.

  4. User Interface Preference: For those who prefer graphical interfaces, tools like MRIConvert offer a more user-friendly experience.

  5. RT-Struct with voids: Use the dcmrtstruct2nii library to correctly handle CLOSED_PLANARXOR based voids in the 2D or 3D objects.


  1. Q: What is the difference between DICOM and NIfTI formats? A: DICOM is a comprehensive standard for handling, storing, and transmitting medical images. It includes both image data and patient metadata. NIfTI, on the other hand, is a simpler format designed specifically for storing and representing 3D neuroimaging data, making it more suitable for analysis and visualization in research contexts.

  2. Q: Can I convert NIfTI back to DICOM? A: Yes, it's possible to convert NIfTI files back to DICOM, although it's less common. Tools like dcm2niix have companion tools (e.g., nii2dcm) for this reverse conversion. However be aware that the reverse conversion typically lacks the rich metadata originally present in DICOM.

  3. Q: Are there any online tools for DICOM to NIfTI conversion? A: While most conversions are done locally due to data privacy concerns, there are some online tools available. However, it's crucial to ensure that any online tool complies with data protection regulations before uploading sensitive medical data.

  4. Q: How do I handle metadata when converting from DICOM to NIfTI? A: Many conversion tools, like dcm2niix, generate a separate JSON sidecar file that contains important metadata from the original DICOM files. This ensures that crucial information is not lost during the conversion process.

  5. Q: Are there any potential issues I should be aware of when converting DICOM to NIfTI? A: Some potential issues include loss of certain types of metadata, differences in how orientation information is handled, and variations in how different tools interpret certain DICOM fields. It's always a good practice to verify the converted files for accuracy and completeness.

In conclusion, the landscape of DICOM to NIfTI conversion offers a variety of tools and methods to suit different needs and workflows. Whether you're a researcher, clinician, or developer, understanding these options can significantly streamline your medical imaging data processing pipeline. As the field of medical imaging continues to evolve, these tools play a crucial role in making complex imaging data more accessible and analyzable.


At Collective Minds Radiology, we understand the importance of efficient and accurate medical imaging data processing. Our cloud-based solutions are designed to streamline workflows, including tasks like DICOM to NIfTI conversion, ensuring that healthcare professionals can focus on what matters most – improving patient outcomes. Explore how our GDPR-compliant platform can transform your radiology practice at Collective Minds Radiology.


Pär Kragsterman, CTO and Co-Founder of Collective Minds Radiology


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