

Articles about Radiology (4)

Dr. Imran Lasker's Monthly Case Webinar #23: Radiological Pitfalls and Pearls

Dr. Imran Lasker's Monthly Case Webinar #22: From Calcified Lymph Nodes to Diverticulitis

Dr. Imran Lasker's Monthly Case Webinar #21: Infectious Disease with Dr. Elizabeth Joekes

Dr. Imran Lasker's Monthly Case Webinar #19: From Pancreatitis to Gouty Tophus

Dr. Imran Lasker's Monthly Case Webinar #20: From Gout to Bowel Perforation

Dr. Imran Lasker's Monthly Case Webinar #17: From Aortic Dissection to Pneumomediastinum

Dr. Imran Lasker's Monthly Case Webinar #18: Deceptive Sigmoid Volvulus to Perplexing Abdominal Pain

Dr. Imran Lasker's Monthly Case Webinar #16: From Chest X-rays to Appendicitis MRI

Dr. Imran Lasker's Monthly Case Webinar #15: From Shoulder Dislocation to Cervical Spine Fractures

Dr. Imran Lasker's Monthly Case Webinar #14: From Triquetral Fractures to Patellar Instability

Dr. Imran Lasker's Monthly Case Webinar #13: Exploring Pleural Effusions, Portal Vein Thrombosis, and Rare Hernias