Knowledge I did not have some years ago
Even though I consider myself an experienced MSK radiologist, new topics continue to emerge in my practice.
This results from the worldwide community of clinicians and researchers continuously trying to understand anatomy, disease, and imaging. Imaging is actually a driving force in this development, as better images, knowledge sharing, and sharp minds interact collectively to understand what has always been there: the anatomical details and injury patterns, which become more apparent every year.
What are the exciting and new topics for many MSK radiologists these days?
Ankle instability and the anatomy of the lateral ankle ligaments. Did you know that the anterior talofibular ligament actually has two bundles? Which bundle is injured could impact the healing process and play a role in chronic pain and microinstability, eventually leading to chronic injury also to the medial ligaments. Read more about the topic here:
Injury to the pyramidalis muscle. Pubalgia is a common problem in athletes. Injury to the muscle and tendons around the symphysis has traditionally been considered to be located in the rectus abdominis insertion, but more likely, it is the pyramidal which is involved. And once you know, you will see it. Read more about the topic here:
Metatarsalgia is often not Morton's neuroma. In certain groups of patients, metatarsalgia may equally as frequently be due to something else, for instance, a tear of the plantar plate, especially beneath the 2nd MTP joint. These changes require good imaging quality to be seen clearly. When you see the plantar plate, you will better understand images of the turf toe injuries, the thumb collateral ligaments, the volar plate and checkrein ligaments and the pulley tears. These findings would be hard to identify without high image quality. See an educational video from Dr Christoph Agten here:
The small popliteomeniscal fascicles of the lateral meniscus have received more attention recently. How important would it be to identify these injuries? Make sure you know how to evaluate them. On the medial side of the knee, the ramp lesions are growing increasingly as a factor in meniscal healing and stability. Read more about the topic here:
Do you have an excellent example of these findings? Why not share them with the world at the Collective Minds platform?