PMDA Imaging Device Approval: Navigating Japan's Medical Device Regulations

PMDA Imaging Device Approval

In the rapidly evolving world of medical devices, Japan stands out as a lucrative yet complex market. With a projected market size of $30 billion by 2025 and a compound annual growth rate of 4.6% [1], understanding the Pharmaceuticals and Medical Devices Agency (PMDA) approval process is crucial for manufacturers eyeing this opportunity. This comprehensive guide delves into the intricacies of PMDA imaging device approval, offering insights that go beyond the surface.

The Japanese Medical Device Market: An Overview

Japan's medical device market is the third-largest globally, trailing only the United States and China. According to recent data:

  • Market size: Expected to reach $30 billion by 2025 [1]
  • Growth rate: 4.6% CAGR from 2020 to 2025 [1]
  • Imaging devices: Account for approximately 20% of the market [2]

This robust market presents significant opportunities for international manufacturers, but entry requires navigating the PMDA's stringent approval process.

If you are looking for a worldwide overview, take a look at Global Regulatory Compliance in Medical Imaging.

PMDA and Its Role in Device Regulation

The Pharmaceuticals and Medical Devices Agency (PMDA), established in 2004, works in conjunction with the Ministry of Health, Labor and Welfare (MHLW) to ensure the safety, efficacy, and quality of medical devices in Japan.

Japan's Medical Device Classification System

Japan employs a four-tier, risk-based classification system for medical devices:

  1. Class I (Lowest Risk): e.g., X-ray film, scalpels
  2. Class II (Moderately Low Risk): e.g., digestive catheters, MRI systems
  3. Class III (High Risk): e.g., dialyzers, artificial bones
  4. Class IV (Highest Risk): e.g., pacemakers, drug-eluting stents

This classification determines the regulatory pathway and approval timeline:

Class Typical Approval Timeline Regulatory Pathway
I 1-2 months Notification
II 3-6 months Certification (RCB)
III 9-12 months PMDA Review
IV 12-18 months PMDA Review

The PMDA Approval Process for Imaging Devices

The approval process varies based on device classification. Here's a detailed breakdown:

  1. Pre-submission Consultation: Optional but recommended, especially for novel devices
  2. Application Submission: Including all required documentation
  3. Initial Review: PMDA checks for completeness (1-2 weeks)
  4. Detailed Review: Technical and clinical data evaluation
  5. Expert Consultation: For complex or novel devices
  6. GMP Inspection: On-site or document-based
  7. Final Evaluation: PMDA makes recommendation to MHLW
  8. MHLW Approval: Official marketing authorization

Documentation Requirements: A Detailed Look

Documentation requirements vary by device class. Here's a comprehensive list:

Class I Devices

  • Device description
  • Intended use
  • Materials used
  • Basic performance data

Class II Devices

  • All Class I requirements
  • Detailed technical specifications
  • Pre-clinical testing data
  • Risk analysis

Class III and IV Devices

  • All Class II requirements
  • Comprehensive clinical data
  • Full risk management file
  • Post-market surveillance plan

Note: All documentation must be submitted in Japanese.

Quality Management System (QMS) Certification

QMS certification is a critical component of PMDA approval. Key points include:

  • Based on ISO 13485 standards
  • Requires on-site audits for Class III and IV devices
  • Certification valid for 5 years
  • Annual surveillance audits

PMDA vs. FDA and CE Mark: A Comparative Analysis

While there are similarities, PMDA approval differs from FDA and CE Mark processes in several key areas:

Aspect PMDA FDA CE Mark
Classification 4 classes 3 classes 4 classes
Clinical Data Often requires Japan-specific data Accepts global data Accepts global data
Review Timeline Generally longer Varies by pathway Generally faster
Post-market Requirements Stringent Stringent Less stringent

Trends in PMDA Approvals for Imaging Devices

Analysis of PMDA data from 2018-2023 reveals interesting trends:

  • 15% increase in AI-powered imaging device approvals
  • 20% reduction in average approval times for Class III devices
  • 30% increase in applications for combination products (drug-device)

Common Challenges and Solutions

Navigating the PMDA approval process can be complex. Here are some common challenges and expert-recommended solutions:

  1. Language Barrier

    • Challenge: All documentation must be in Japanese.
    • Solution: Partner with experienced Japanese regulatory consultants and professional translators specializing in medical terminology.
  2. Japan-Specific Clinical Data Requirements

    • Challenge: PMDA often requires data from Japanese populations.
    • Solution: Plan for potential bridging studies or Japan-specific clinical trials early in the development process.
  3. Lengthy Review Timelines

    • Challenge: PMDA reviews can take longer than FDA or CE Mark processes.
    • Solution: Utilize pre-submission consultations to streamline the process and address potential issues early.
  4. Stringent Quality Management System (QMS) Requirements

    • Challenge: PMDA's QMS standards are rigorous and differ slightly from ISO 13485.
    • Solution: Conduct a gap analysis between your current QMS and PMDA requirements well in advance of submission.
  5. Post-Market Surveillance Demands

    • Challenge: PMDA requires comprehensive post-market surveillance plans.
    • Solution: Develop robust post-market surveillance strategies, potentially partnering with local Japanese healthcare providers or research institutions.

Resources and Further Information

For those seeking to deepen their understanding of the PMDA approval process, consider these resources:

  1. PMDA Official Website
  2. MHLW Medical Device Regulations
  3. Japan Medical Device Manufacturers Association (JFMDA)

Glossary of Key Terms

  • PMDA: Pharmaceuticals and Medical Devices Agency
  • MHLW: Ministry of Health, Labor and Welfare
  • MAH: Marketing Authorization Holder
  • JMDN: Japan Medical Device Nomenclature
  • RCB: Registered Certification Body
  • GCP: Good Clinical Practice
  • GLP: Good Laboratory Practice
  • GMP: Good Manufacturing Practice
  • QMS: Quality Management System


  1. Q: How long does the PMDA approval process typically take? A: Timelines vary by device class, ranging from 1-2 months for Class I devices to 12-18 months for Class IV devices.

  2. Q: Are CE Mark and FDA approvals accepted by the PMDA? A: While not directly accepted, CE Mark and FDA approvals can support PMDA submissions and potentially expedite the process.

  3. Q: Do PMDA device registrations expire? A: Device registrations do not expire, but QMS certificates must be renewed every 5 years.

  4. Q: Is clinical data from outside Japan accepted for PMDA submissions? A: PMDA may accept global clinical data, but often requires some level of data from Japanese populations, especially for novel devices.

  5. Q: How does the PMDA handle software as a medical device (SaMD)? A: PMDA has specific guidelines for SaMD, evaluating them based on intended use and potential risk, similar to hardware devices. AI-powered devices may require additional documentation on algorithm training and validation.


Navigating the PMDA approval process for imaging devices requires a deep understanding of Japan's regulatory landscape, meticulous preparation, and often, cultural sensitivity. While challenging, successful PMDA approval opens doors to one of the world's most sophisticated and lucrative medical device markets.

By staying informed, preparing thoroughly, and leveraging expert resources, medical device manufacturers can successfully bring their innovative imaging technologies to the Japanese market, contributing to improved healthcare outcomes for millions of patients.


Pär Kragsterman, CTO and Co-Founder of Collective Minds Radiology


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Reviewed by: Rebeca Sanz Barriuso on September 22, 2024