Dr. Imran Lasker's Monthly Case Webinar #13: Exploring Pleural Effusions, Portal Vein Thrombosis, and Rare Hernias

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Dr. Imran Lasker, a consultant radiologist with a passion for teaching, recently hosted the Monthly Case Webinar #13, providing valuable insights into various challenging cases. This blog post will delve into some of the key diagnostic topics discussed during the webinar, focusing on pleural effusions, portal vein thrombosis, and rare hernias.

Pleural Effusions and Empyema: A Case Study

One of the intriguing cases presented during the webinar involved a young patient with an extensive fluid collection in the right lung cavity. Dr. Lasker highlighted the importance of differentiating between a simple pleural effusion and a more complex empyema.

"What's concerning is that this fluid-air level sitting over here... does start to get you to wonder if there could actually be an underlying empyema," Dr. Lasker explained at 2:45.

An empyema is essentially a loculated collection of pus within the pleural space. In this case, the presence of a chest drain complicated the interpretation, as it could have introduced air into the pleural cavity. Dr. Lasker emphasized the importance of considering the clinical context and the slightly loculated appearance of the fluid when making a diagnosis.

Portal Vein Thrombosis: A Radiological Challenge

Another fascinating case presented during the webinar showcased one of the largest portal vein thromboses Dr. Lasker had ever encountered. This case highlighted the importance of carefully examining the liver and portal venous system in patients with cirrhosis.

"This is probably one of the biggest portal vein thromboses I've ever seen," Dr. Lasker remarked at 40:01.

The case demonstrated extensive thrombosis affecting the entire right lobe of the liver, with associated cavernous transformation. This condition occurs when collateral vessels develop to bypass the obstructed portal vein. Dr. Lasker stressed the importance of recognizing these collateral pathways and understanding their implications for patient management.

Rare Hernias: The Right Paraduodenal Hernia

Perhaps the most intriguing case of the webinar involved a patient with elevated amylase levels and epigastric pain. While initial considerations included pancreatitis or a perforated duodenum, careful examination of the CT images revealed a rare right paraduodenal hernia.

"This is a really fantastic example of a paraduodenal hernia, and I'm pretty sure that would be hard to find as good a case on the worldwide internet as well," Dr. Lasker enthused at 1:01:47.

Dr. Lasker walked the audience through the diagnostic process, pointing out the subtle signs of bowel ischemia and the characteristic "coffee bean" appearance of the hernia on coronal images. This case underscored the importance of considering rare diagnoses when common explanations don't fit the clinical picture.

The Value of Collaborative Learning

Throughout the webinar, Dr. Lasker emphasized the importance of collaborative learning and the value of platforms like Collective Minds Radiology. The webinar featured cases contributed by radiologists from around the world, fostering a global community of knowledge sharing.

"I genuinely appreciate anyone that gives me their time... and I genuinely appreciate people putting in their cases, getting us to look at it, and hopefully we'll learn from it," Dr. Lasker said at 36:46.

The Monthly Case Webinar #13 Case Collection on Collective Minds serves as a valuable resource for radiologists looking to review these cases in more detail.


The Monthly Case Webinar #13, hosted by Dr. Imran Lasker, provided a wealth of diagnostic insights across a range of challenging cases. From complex pleural effusions to rare hernias, the webinar highlighted the importance of careful image interpretation, consideration of clinical context, and the value of collaborative learning in radiology.

As medical imaging continues to advance, platforms like Collective Minds Radiology play a crucial role in connecting healthcare professionals and facilitating knowledge sharing. By studying these cases and participating in such educational initiatives, radiologists can enhance their diagnostic skills and ultimately improve patient care.

What rare or challenging cases have you encountered in your practice? How has collaborative learning impacted your diagnostic approach?

This blog post was authored by Saidul Islam, Application Specialist at Collective Minds Radiology. Collective Minds Radiology is transforming medical imaging through a global, collaborative platform. Our cloud-based solutions connect healthcare professionals across the world, driving faster diagnostics, improving patient outcomes, and advancing clinical research and education.


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Reviewed by: Pär Kragsterman on September 21, 2024